The Austrian working group was founded in 2000. At its meetings, current topics of Austrian and European antitrust law are discussed, both among the group's members and with representatives of authorities and courts.

The programme of the Austrian working group is composed as follows:
The Austrian working group holds quarterly meetings, at which its members discuss key topics. Individual members give brief introductory presentations on such topics and following the meetings, more detailed papers are usually published in legal journals;
Every two years, alternating with the Swiss working group, the Austrian working group organises a conference for all members of the Studienvereinigung. This conference primarily addresses topics of European and also national competition law (including the law of the CEE states).
All members of the Studienvereinigung are entitled to attend events held by the Austrian working group. For information on upcoming events, see "Events". In addition to organising events, the Austrian working group regularly submits opinions on draft laws and regulations in the field of competition law. A list of the opinions already submitted can be found under "Publications".
To become a member of the Austrian working group, please apply in writing to the current head of the Austrian working group:
Dr. Axel Reidlinger
reidlinger [at] (reidlinger[at]rs-ra[dot]eu)